
Inside the New York Ecosystem: BMW, Google & More

By Scott Kirsner |  July 15, 2015

More than 50 senior innovation, strategy, and R&D executives joined us last month in Manhattan for our June Field Study to visit labs, venture capital offices, and startup spaces operated by Pfizer, BMW, the New York Times, Google, Work-Bench, and Quirky. (At left, Chief Marketing Officer Bret Kovacs welcomes the group to Quirky.)

Our discussion topics this time around, all suggested by participants, included “How to start a lab”; “Scaling design sprints to the entire organization”; “What we’ve learned about successful co-creation”; and “Applying innovation tools to innovation leaders’ challenges,” among others. (To get a flavor for the event, most of which is off-the-record, see this post on Google’s “beer and demos” gatherings, or this one recapping a whiteboard session about technologies and trends.) We’re grateful to our sponsors — 

Innosight, Imaginatik, and Alexandria Real Estate Equities — as well as to all of the companies that let us drop by. The next Field Study takes place October 21st and 22nd in Boston, and registration is already open.
