
Data on Why Organizations Kill Emerging Technology Projects

By Alexander MacDougall |  February 1, 2022

As part of our recent research report, “Delivering Value Through Emerging Tech and Innovation,” we asked leaders of R&D and innovation groups at large companies about why their organizations most commonly kill emerging technology projects or collaborations. This report was underwritten by KPMG.

How to use this visualization: Pull down the “Industry” and “Region” menus at right to sort the data of respondents by the industry they work in and what region of the world they are located in. (Some filter combinations may not have data to display.) You can also click the “down arrow” at bottom right to download the data in various formats.

According to our more than 200 survey respondents, 69 percent of individuals responded that lack of resources was a contributing factor, the most of any option. This was followed by other projects receiving greater priority and an inability to meet expectations, respectively. Respondents were given the option of selecting multiple options.
