
Software Provider Profile: edison365

April 11, 2024

edison365 delivers end-to-end business transformation; enabling global teams to strategize, innovate, and deliver their entire portfolio. It’s through edison365’s powerful tools that your business can identify and deliver ROI-driven opportunities. All in one place!

Built on Microsoft, edison365 offers organizations a familiar environment for their best work to flourish. With Single Sign-On (SSO), edison365 understands your business, your needs, and sets users up to deliver immediate results.


Game-changing Innovation Management

Go from concept to implementation with unrivaled idea crowdsourcing, triage sliders for laser-sharp prioritization, and data-fueled reporting to ensure ideas are on track. Gamification features enable optimum adoption and support how modern teams innovate.

Supercharged Portfolio Management

Make every project count with sophisticated Gantt Charts, powerful workflows, and insightful reporting. edison365 offers total visibility across your entire portfolio.

Seamless Business Case Management

Maximize the ROI of new ideas in a space where they can grow. edison365 ensures you make the right decisions helping you to foresee risks, accelerate stakeholder approval, and remain confident at every stage.

Powerful Resource Management

Manage and optimize resource allocation and coordinate world-class collaboration in a data-driven environment built for achieving your goals.

Engagement Models:

edison365 is a SaaS solution, offering three licenses with both ‘Full’ and ‘Lite’ versions to meet the needs of organizations across different industries and sizes.


A great choice for teams who want to build an early-stage pipeline of new opportunities and accelerate innovation with triage features, idea crowdsourcing, and reporting.


Perfect for companies wanting to manage new ideas, while introducing business case development. Build bespoke templates, assess feasibility throughout your portfolio, and present all the findings you need for confident stakeholder buy-in.


Great for teams ready to disrupt their industry with data-driven innovation, easy-to-use project management, and resource management tools. Move ideas along a tailored pipeline that meets your needs and gives you complete visibility of the end-to-end innovation journey.

CEO Q&A: Ivan Lloyd

What innovation activities does your solution seek to support?

Ivan Lloyd, CEO, edison365

With edison365, we’re pioneering the end-to-end process for scalable innovation. Not only does the software drive teams to ideate, but it enables them to successfully prioritize, manage, and deliver on their entire portfolio.

It’s a tool that has evolved to help innovation be more collaborative, to help leaders be more analytical, and to give organizations clarity of innovation direction.

From justifying new ideas to benefit realization, every stakeholder is given a voice through edison365 to think differently and solve problems, whether they’re an external supplier or colleague.

Incorporating sophisticated project management features, edison365 empowers organizations to confidently deliver new ideas with complete visibility, providing business leaders with the unique lens they need to make the right priority decisions. Think of edison365 as the single source of truth and your business transformation compass.

What are the outcomes you seek to help your customers achieve?

As technology helps businesses accelerate at pace, staying ahead of competitors is a bigger challenge than ever. New ideas just aren’t enough. edison365 provides what businesses really need; it enables global teams to prioritize those light-bulb moments that deliver true ROI. With edison365, innovation leaders see the bigger picture for a better focus on the opportunities that matter; those aligning with company objectives. It poses the all-important question “Does this idea maximize our innovation investment?”

Are there one or two case studies you like to talk about, in terms of how customers use it?

We work with some of the most exciting organizations in the world. Our partnership with a Fortune 500 accountancy firm saw 700+ new ideas, producing 60+ prototypes, and 15 products that have gone through an end-to-end innovation journey in edison365.

In manufacturing, one of the largest medical device companies in the US has leveraged edison365’s tools to uncover $100M in cost-saving ideas. This was the result of bringing 125+ suppliers into the ideation process and collecting 200+ ideas across the business.
These are just two of hundreds of organizations across every sector utilizing edison365’s innovation tools to achieve exceptional results; challenging the status quo and finding original solutions to their industry’s most common problems.

How are you leveraging / will you leverage generative AI in your solution? How do you see that as being important going forward?

Built on Microsoft, we’re able to embed AI into edison365 seamlessly. From helping customers assess key risks to the delivery of their innovation portfolio to building bespoke plans based on global best practices.

We see AI as a driver for rapid innovation and accuracy, and to support less human error in the process with data-backed decision-making. In our opinion, AI won’t replace the natural talent of the innovator, but it will certainly empower their best ideas.

All-in-all, AI should make life a little easier for everyone involved in the innovation process. From those with big ideas to those delivering opportunities. AI provides an augmented pool of knowledge, giving innovation leaders a better understanding of what’s going on, and offers frameworks, templates, and knowledge that eliminates the start-from-scratch setup. The best innovators will know where AI ends, and where its human counterparts take over to bring a new idea to life. That’s what will make the difference between the good and great in leveraging AI for innovation.

How do you see corporate innovation changing in 2024 and beyond? What are some of the new expectations and new pressures?

Success in innovation has shifted over the past few years. There’s now a stronger focus on delivering ideas with impact. Or more simply put, businesses are realizing that when it comes to innovation, they must focus on quality over quantity.

Instead of 400 ideas, it’s the ability to demonstrate the key outcomes and deliverables, and understanding how new opportunities take your business from A to B. As we’ve touched on already, technology has fast-tracked ideation but now is the time to focus on ROII (Return-on-innovation-investment)

There’s also an expectation that AI and technology will solve business problems independently; that the pressure to move rapidly, accelerate new ideas, and realize those benefits will be done almost autonomously by tech.

But that just isn’t the case. AI is absolutely going to enhance innovation, but it is just an enabler for the time being. We still need good people who are going to make the right decisions based on the information and assistance AI offers.

Ultimately, corporate innovation is evolving. The pressure and demands are intensifying, and the need for ideas with ROI is more important than ever. AI will be woven into the process, helping businesses go from drawing board to delivery, but it won’t solve everything.
