
Design for Impact: Making Ideas Pay at Atrium Health


Healthcare is currently at the forefront of society; it has never been more important to be on the cutting edge of medicine and science. Atrium Health has led the way as the first health system in North Carolina to administer an FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine. While moving on this journey, culture and innovation has been vital to Atrium. The organization is now looking beyond its existing innovation engine to build on its growing ecosystem, setting themselves up to advance transformation and provide the very best care. Join us for a Master Class on March 4 at 1pm ET to discuss this journey. 

As with all innovation efforts, the ability to demonstrate outcomes is paramount. In this Master Class, Todd Dunn, Vice President of Innovation at Atrium Health and Tad Haas, Executive Vice President at edison365 will be discussing how Atrium Health design for impact. The discussion will explore how Atrium Health has made innovation part of their DNA and harnesses insights of thousands of employees to capture ‘coins in the couch and dollars in the dryer’, providing practical methods to make ideas pay in any organization.

During the call, they will explore:

  • How to design for impact, putting hard dollar savings, efficiencies (quality) and transformation at the forefront of innovation
  • How to align innovation methodology with the business model and execution strategy
  • The journey of getting all stakeholders on board with your innovation process and the value they can bring
  • Best practices around health care innovation that are practical to all industries.

This call has passed. Sign up for future Master Classes. 
